Monday, March 9, 2015

Les témoins de l'arche perdue earns 30 Points!

With great team spirit this group is showing some ingenuity and adaptability. Pulling a new team together at the last minute and making it work... meet the Les témoins de l'arche perdue!

Donyo Marshall
Tom Dibiase
Tony Ruiz
Brian Hernandez

Belloqian Rhapsody Earns 30 Points!

This team is resourceful. Creating a team using their know how to get their photo in shows their dedication to the game. Meet the Belloqian Rhapsody.

Brandon Cutler
Kat Plourde
Tania Rodriguez

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Les Aventuriers Earns 30 Points

This team is demonstrating their individual style and finesse. It looks as though they have already found something of great value. Nice usage of the Indiana Jones font as well. We expect this team to have lasting energy all the way to the finish line! Meet Les Aventuriers.

Joshua Reeves
Rhonda Reeves
Greg Chalet
Sergio Nilchian

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Great Dapsters Earn 50 Points!

This team of Dapsters took full advantage of the opportunity to have their photo taken at Dapper Day. Having just formed their team, they are already strategizing and are ready for daptastic action. 

Josh Gutierrez
Linda Gutierrez 
Lilly Villegas
Julie Villegas

Les croisés français earns 50 Points!

Meet Les croisés français. This reflective bunch of students is conducting research for their strategy. This group looks unperturbed in the library environment.  Nicely done.

Gem Cutler
Stephanie Vasquez
Chris Vasquez

Jorge Vazquez 

Las Culebras francais earns 50 Points!

Meet the “Las culebras francais”. This industrious bunch are conducting their research using the latest technology, the micro fische. Great job. They are up to the task with this era appropriate technology.

Juan Ayapantecatl
Irma Ayapantecatl
Erica Perez

Jose Perez